NAWAMED&MEDWAYCAP: in Tunisia an international event on Non-Conventional Water

The Center for Water Research and Technologies (CERTE, Tunisia) in synergy with the International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies – Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari – CIHEAM Bari (Italy) and the Energy Water Agency (EWA, Malta) are organising in Tunisia an international event from the 6th to the 9th of February. A very full programme that merges the objectives of NAWAMED and MEDWAYCAP projects with the aim to enhance the impact of the ENI CBC MED projects’ results reached by the “water efficiency” cluster at Mediterranean level.  

The event will start the 6th of February with a national conference developed in the context of NAWAMED project, sharing and debating the outcomes reached during the project with the aim to continue the debate started during the international event developed the last October, 2022, in Sicily by focusing on the following themes related to the Nature-Based Solution (NBS) application for the use of NCW:

The same day it will be the occasion for the vernissage of the MEDWAYCAP Exhibition for reaching experts and students in a friendly and appealing way, talking about water reuse at Mediterranean level.

The 7th and 8th of February will be dedicated to the first Innovation Camp developed by CERTE and CIHEAM Bari in the context of MEDWAYCAP project and involving high level experts coming from several countries at Mediterranean level for jointly facing the challenge to embrace the non-conventional water reuse and management in the Mediterranean region through the promotion of sustainable strategies and technological innovations. Further information will be available visiting the MEDWAYCAP webpage

Finally, the last day, the 9th of February, thanks to the collaboration with EWA, CERTE will host the third Mediterranean Water Table for sharing the outcomes reached during the national stakeholders meetings developed around the NAWAMED countries’ partners (Italy, Malta, Tunisia, Jordan and Lebanon) in order to reach a common vision  toward a Mediterranean Policy Document to foster the inclusion of water demand management and non-conventional water resources measures in national policy frameworks. 

The joint organisation of this event allows the valorisation of the “water efficiency” cluster and related ENI CBC MED projects capitalised by MEDWAYCAP, further than NAWAMED, such as AQUACYCLEMEDISSMENAWARA and PROSIM, sharing and debating the expertise developed in order to fertilize each other with different contributions and points of view and co-developing a common Med strategy for the valorisation of non-conventional waters at Mediterranean Level. 

Discover the full program here 

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